Our Schedule

yogahour teen Wednesdays at Yoga Oasis
ages 11-17 4:15-5:15pm
$7 drop in

School Age sessions to begin at the end of August.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

making connections

Hello Yogis,

Yesterday in Yoga4Youth we were talking about connections.  We asked the kids to tell us how they feel connected to nature, to people in their families, and to people they don't know.  We did all of our poses in a circle in order to feel our connection to each other even more.

The kids all enjoyed the different room set up.  The younger group thought it was a crack up when we did a group utkatasana (chair pose) and all sat on each other's laps in a circle.  As they laughed, some of us hit the floor!

The older group was much more contemplative about connections.  In a teachable moment, we took time to stop and ask the girls (middle schoolers) how their connection to their own yoga practice has made a difference in their lives.  Lori and I were almost in tears by the end of our discussion.  They talked about how they know how to let go of their anxiety now.  They can take a deep breath rather than act out when someone is unkind to them.  Another girl said that she is better able to stay in the present moment and appreciate who she is right now rather than live in the past and hold onto what she used to be able to do.  It was profound.  These girls were so willing to open up to us and the group and share how their practice has improved their lives.

I shared that I wished I had been able to learn those lessons at their age.  Maybe it would have saved me from many migraines and stomach aches throughout school.  The best part is, that now that they have a practice, it's theirs forever!  I love that even though we are their teachers of the actual poses, they are their own teachers.  They will further their connection to themselves from now on.  It's truly amazing and makes Lori and I realize what a gift it is to share our love of yoga with these girls, and to learn from their journey.

many blessings,

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