With our Yoga Oasis group, we learned about the symbol for OM. We read a great book and talked about how OM connects all of us together. That's why we begin each and every class with 3 OMs. We asked the kids to put their hands on their chests and feel the vibration of their heartbeats. Then we talked about how each one of us has a heartbeat; it may beat differently than everyone else, but it is common to every living being. Each student got an OM symbol on a piece of paper that they got to disguise in their own creative drawing. We had OMs inside tshirts, inside robots, and more.
We worked into bakasana (crane pose). The kids love this because it takes strength and concentration. They really cheered each other on and enjoyed watching each other try the pose.
We'd love to hear from you and your child. Please send us any posts you'd like us to put here at yoga4youthtucson@gmail.com.